Meet the Physician



Let’s be honest: we live in a society that is obsessed with youth and beauty.

I get it.  I have noticed the shift in my own skin and I’m not a huge fan.  I want to look and feel vibrant.  But, I want to do this in a healthy, sustainable and natural way.

Microneedling and Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture is a fantastic way for you to both look beautiful and feel good at the same time. Antiaging is out...this is graceful aging, supportive aging and honoring aging doesn't matter how old you are, age is just a number.

Lets honor this journey together!


Dr. Maribel Crider is a Nationally Board Certified and Licensed Acupuncture Physician in the state of Florida, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Certified Functional Medicine Physician (CFMP).

Graduated Summa Cum Laude.

Fluent in both Spanish and English.